HTML5 casino slots: features of games creation

Creation of the HTML5 has broadened horizons of possibilities for gambling software developers. Before it was released many predicted it a sad fortune, as if new language will be used just by ones. But possibility of content adaptation for mobile devices has solved much, thanks to what HTML5 slots for sale has exceeded sells of Flash long ago.

HTML5 has taken best features of previous versions and has also received new variants of layout, semantic elements and tags. Such sphere as slots for sale couldn’t go past novelties.

Developers greatly realize that gamblers use computers less and less, preferring gadgets. Now you can rarely see a slot which was developed not on the HTML5 basis. Besides, great number of old games are adapted for the new standard. HTML5 casino games confidentlydisplaced Flash analogues from the market.

Pros and cons of HTML5


  • Slots nicely work in a browser. All multimedia components work without necessity to install extra software.
  • Games work for any platform. Besides, there are no restrictions despite seldom exceptions.
  • Slots work very fast. Risk of failures is rather small.
  • HTML5 casino games are economic. Playerspendslittletraffic.
  • Due to using Open Source every gambler can improve the game, by making changes to it.
  • HTML5 games are created much faster than Flash. Process demands less input. This way players don’t need to wait for a long time for the next release. Thanks to it slot games for sale open a wide market with many worthy products.
  • Function Canvas allows to develop games using 3D-graphics.
  • HTML5 is rather simple language. Any willing one can simply learn it and then create onlinecasino software for sale on his own.


  • Low security level. All game information is kept not on a server, but on the used device. Thisfeatureriseschanceofhacking.
  • HTML5 casino software doesn’t run on 18% browsers. Old ones are in the list, which don’t have support.
  • Sometimes creation of a game takes more time because of slots adaptation for various browsers.

Good news for willing ones to buy slot games will be that market has plenty of such slots.

From Flash to HTML5

The first big company to refuse Flash technology was Apple. Google followed them soon. It transfers to HTML5 gradually.

Most browser developers have already switched to HTML5. This way creating gambling software on Flash basis became pointless.

The only kicker, which flash drives have in stock – best graphical part. Though, taking into account speed of HTML5 development, this advantage will soon vanish and buying Flash slots will be just impossible.

Slot games for saleis a big market, where company 2WinPower has especially succeeded. They offer clients to buy games from the biggest providers with a world name.


  • classicalslots;
  • cardgames;
  • varioustypesofroulette.

It’s important that the offered products were created on bases of HTML5, advantages of which were described above.

If you’re interested not only in slots for sale but in creation, 2WinPower is ready to offer you such a service. Specialists of the company create slots from scratch, following all wishes and desires of the client. In result of this cooperation client gets a completely individual product.

Casino slots for sale and their creation are the main activities of the company, and they succeeded in it – over 10 thousand projects.